I have a Bigtreetech SKR 1.3 mainboard, LV8729 drivers, and TFT35 v3.0 up and running just fine right here.. This control solution is absolutely amazing and even more so when we take into account what these items are selling for. The LV8729 drivers are meant for the better processing power of the 32 bit controller and can do 1/64 and 1/128 micro stepping. These drivers need to be here to be quiet. But this mainboard will also run TMC2208 drivers which are silent at 1/16 micro stepping. So you can make this solution be quiet with however many steps per mm you like on whatever axis you like. I myself try to shoot for 1,000 steps per mm on each axis. With 8 bit this will slow down the printer drastically. But with 32 bit, not so much. All that precision without the drawbacks. And something else about this new v3.0 bigtreetech tft is that it has it's own 32 bit controller on it. So the screen is its own computer and can do more functions than previous touchscreens. Like you get all these settings for your BLTouch that we never had before.. And I can feed Gcode directly from the touchscreen. Now I don't know if any of you heard that so let me say it one more time, YOU CAN WRITE AND SEND GCODE DIRECTLY FROM THE TOUCHSCREEN! This is huge because it means that i do not have to connect to a pc for anything. Not even for PID autotuning. And that is absolutely huge for a 3.5" screen. And here is a screenshot of that..