
I cant advise much of other printers, but i can share my first experience.
I had around 200euro for bugdet (abit flexible for the right machine). But as i was completely new to 3dprinting, i wanted a cheap first printer that i knew would atleast print something when i turned it on.

I searched for a long time, and finally found a used printer in the local area (about 35km away) that i know worked (as the owner had used it for around 400h in total) plus i would also get a demonstration of the machine, as well as a basic lesson on the machine and printing in general.

The machine i found was a Tevo Nereus that was sent to a youtuber for review (is was a pre-production model) but the difference was it was only missing the filament sensor compared to the, at the time, 450euro new machine.

Now i got a demonstrated, used machine plus a lesson on the tech.
All for 200e.

Now many month later, i have used it for another 4-500 hours and the bearings needs a change as well a full service.
I also got a standard 4mm window glassbed to put on top as the buildplate was just a tad skewed.

Now i got myself another printer, deltaprinter FLSUN QQ-S with the 32bit board and new autolevel probe. It cost me aroun 290euro in total.

Just thought i'd share my "getting first printer" story. Perhaps it could help.