After 3-4 minutes when the extruder stops put your finger on the extruder's stepper motor and see how hot it is. You might have the pot on the stepper driver turned up a bit too much and be allowing too much current flow to the stepper. Some people like using math to come up with a setting for that pot. But sadly nobody's math counts for the gauge or length of wires used or things like voltage drop. And so the best way to fine tune this adjustment is to measure the stepper motor temp after 1hr of printing. After this time you should be able to keep your finger(s) on the stepper motor. It should be warm to the touch. 110f-120f is a good and proper temp for the stepper motors to be at with current flowing through them. If there is not enough current then the stepper will be cold to the touch after 1hr of printing and you need to turn the pot up on the stepper driver for that motor by .1v. If the stepper motor gets so hot that you can not hold your finger on the stepper motor then you are letting too much current flow and risk shorting a coil within the stepper motor. For hot stepper motors you will want to turn the voltage down .1v and retest. It sounds like your pot is set too high for the extruder stepper motor. This is a likely place to land if you have a pancake stepper motor on your extruder and have never adjusted the pot since you installed the driver/mainboard. If the stepper motor isn't getting too hot and it still fails so consistently 4 mins after the print starts then you might want to try replacing that stepper driver.