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  1. #1

    Flashforge Dreamer Issue

    Hi All,
    I'm having some fun with my Dreamer, the heated bead is no longer heating. It just stopped for not apparent reason and is coming up with the error 'Bed not heating correctly check cabling'. I've checked all connectors are seated correctly and everything seems fine but still not working. What, and how, do I check which part could be faulty? Is this a common problem?

    Hopefully, someone might have experienced this and managed to fix it.

    FYI The printer is a couple of years old but has done very little printing and has not been mistreated in any way - BTW I'm a newbie

    Thanks in advamce

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    sounds like it could be dead.
    flashforge probably sell spares.

  3. #3
    Hi All, Found the problem ... nothing wrong with the heated bed or the motherboard . Turned out to be the 24v supply connector on the heated bed, it had developed a poor connection and had melted itself to the bed - solution remove connector and solder the wires directly to the heated plate circuit board - all working nicely now. Thought this might help someone or maybe even save someone a few pounds. Thanks all.

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