Didn't see many people supporting spring tensioners, the majority explained what issues they can cause. The only reasons I saw people explain they should be used was it was better than a slack belt, but you shouldn't be slack in the first place. Or that it was an easy way to do things, which I don't think is a good enough reason especially if you want to spend extra money on profiled rails. The final thread did have someone arguing for spring tensioners, but he specifically mentioned they should be used with a damper, which the clothes peg springs are not.

Finally, that's not how elasticity works. The belts and springs are elastic and can stretch no matter how many motors you put on them. You know what? Fine, I'm an idiot, you must be a professional mechanical and mechatronics engineer, doing things no professional machine would, like using two motors on one closed loop of belt. Let us not forget your breakthrough in belt technology: the belt you can push on!
Quote Originally Posted by AutoWiz View Post
Of course for my machine running 2 steppers per axis having the tensioner spring in between the two steppers opposite the side the heatbed or extruder are on just sets a preload before the stepper motors are energized. And then there is no elasticity as I am pushing on one end while pulling on the other and vice versa. Really I can't believe more people haven't started running 2 steppers per axis. But I am proud to be one of the few.
Best of luck Reefsider, I hope your build goes well. I'm going to leave this conversation, it's not productive and I'm sure it's not helpful for your build, apologies for derailing your thread.