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  1. #1

    First print - need advice to make it perfect. pictures in post

    Good day

    got my QIDI x max.

    Printed the Test tower/tube that came with it and it looked nice.
    Then I printed the "Test print" from thingiverse with overhangs, bridging and so on.On this print, several things didnt look so nice and I couldnt read the text.TExt is unreadable. To my eye it looks like the temp was too high?The 3 towers in the corner, the third didnt make it to full length.
    They are also round and not square.

    Q: whats causing this? Too high temp? too high speed? Nozzle too close to bed?

    Then some pictures I took from an ongoing print right now. PRinting with a cubic support. There are some strings here and there. Same print settings.would love some feedback on whats causing this



    settings: PLA
    Temp: 190?C, Bed 50?C
    Speed 60mm/s
    0.2 layer height

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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