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Thread: Please help!

  1. #1

    Please help!

    I have attempted to print an item three times now. Each time in about the same spot the item moves. And the whole thing is just messed up. it's about a 10-hour print and moves at about the eight hour mark. Can anyone tell me what might be causing this? The first print I used it brim, II print I use the raft, the third print I put glue on the bed. This last print the corners are warped as well and it looks like it raised up off the bed but the first two times it did not do that. What can I do?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    It could help to tell us what your Slicer settings you are using along with which slicer, Example Bed temp, Nozzle Temp, Print Speed, Layer height ect...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    It could help to tell us what your Slicer settings you are using along with which slicer, Example Bed temp, Nozzle Temp, Print Speed, Layer height ect...

    Right, sorry. I'm still new to this.
    Machine: Ended 3 with upgraded firmware
    Slicer: Cura
    Nozzle: 215
    Bed: 65
    Speed: 60
    Layer: 0.15
    Infill: 80%
    8 shell layers.
    Glass bed

    Am I missing anything important?

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I would make a couple of changes as a beginner.
    When I started I could not print on a print surface to save my life, though I could print in a tape.
    What I am suggesting is to try a print on Blue Painters tape, then later when you gain experience return to the Glass bed.

    Reduce the temp 5C on the nozzle and reduce the temp 10C on the Bed.
    Printing at a thinner layer height is a experienced art, as a beginner start at a layer height of 0.2mm
    Change your infill to 30 -50% an your shell to 4, and set the parts cooling fan to about half speed.

  5. #5
    I will take those suggestions thank you. This print has to be as strong as I can get it. I have been printing on the glass bed for a month now this is my only issue. I will put down some blue tape and give it a try. Thank you for the help.

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I have very seldom had any problems with PLA warping except for very long models.
    T-Slot covers give my 3D Printer a little class. Found this web site that has a chart of some of the properties of 3D Printing.

    They deturmined that 70% with a layer height of 0.2 was the best overall.
    A lot of good reading anyway.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 07-20-2019 at 05:58 AM.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    what moves ?
    1)The actual print: ie, does it become detached from the printbed.
    2) does the print stay attached, and it appear to start printing off to one side.

    Unfortunately you've ended up with the current worst printer on the market.

    If it gives you the same problem at the same height each time, then it could be related to the bowden tube, or one of the axis belts or gantries is playing up.

    Unfortunately the ender 3 seems to be prone to pretty much every single issue you can get on a 3d printer.

    Try printing a 15mm square column - make it the same height as the long print.
    3 layers: top and side. 15% infill. ).3mm layer height.
    Keep the same speed and temperature settings nothing wrong with them.

    And see if you have the same issue at the same height with it. shouldn't take more than an hour or so.

    Attached stl of a cube thing, resize to correct height in the slicer :-)
    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #8
    I will give that cube a try. I actually love this printer. This is the only issue I've had with it. All of my other prints turn out amazing. This one comes detached from the bed.

  9. #9
    Got it to print. Thanks for the help guys.

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