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  1. #1
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    are you printing via an sd card or over usb etc.

    Looks like a few issues.
    First layer is definitely going down too fast. I'd also say there's under extrusion. Often caused by printing pla too cool.

    Standard settings are useless - never yet seen any I agree with.
    Always go for the advanced setup and learn to set your own speeds, temps, retraction settings etc.
    Some of the markings on the frame are down to movement without retractions and retraction settings that aren't working.

    Any idea what temp and speed you are printing at ?

  2. #2
    Hello curious aardvark! Thanks for replying!

    Yeah, I'm printing via SD. I'm printing PLA at a (default) temperature of 220?C. I've read that this temperature might be too high - and it may be, as I believe some of the material leaks towards the end.

    I too have read that those markings can be adjusted via the retraction settings. I've since adjusted some values since. This is my current setup:

    - Initial Printing Temperature: 210?C
    - Printing Temperature: 210?C
    - Final Printing Temperature: 205?C
    - Retraction Distance: 3 mm
    - Retraction Speed 25.0 mm/s
    - Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 0.5 mm ^3
    - Additionally, I've enabled the Z hop when retracted setting, "Hopping" at a height of 1 mm.

    I'm still seeing some markings on the top layer and some under extrusion on the first layer.

  3. #3
    Hey Dude!

    Try these settings, They seemed to fix the problems I had.

    - Initial Printing Temperature: 210
    - Printing Speed - 50 mm/s
    - Printing Temperature: 210
    - Bed Temperature: 45
    - Final Printing Temperature: 190
    - Retraction Distance: 4.5 mm
    - Retraction Speed 40.0 mm/s
    - Retraction Extra Prime Amount: leave alone

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