Hey I had a good look into all the filements and methods you've suggested and it's simply wonderful that there are just as reliable options out there that I will definelty consider for the final print however since I am still in the design process I think I will finish the model and then upload them with the suggested model types. although I do still want to price check the grey and translucent resins before anything else because I have seen 3 outstanding examples that have all gone through resin printing. But yes cost could be a massive deterant for choosing this material and Im glad I now have some more great options.

Regarding the size, I think I'll just have to reduce it to a 9" build for grey resin because it's not that small and if i print the stand seperately it should still be 11" in height when put together. Also in terms of you're offer I must say I would love to and appreciate you going to such lengths but since I'm still placing my bets on resin so I think I'll wait for a price check and if it's out my budget which is roughly ?300-?500 (is that delusional or should that cover a resin print) then if it's too expensive I'd love for your help in finding a new material.
Once again man thank you so much, you've given me a lot of hope and excitement for this project and 3D printing in general so thank you man!