Riiiiiigghhttt, now it makes sense.
For a tent like that - absolutely no problem. Plus it makes carving the patterns in part of the build process :-)
Painting them to look more woodlike would be a good idea.
Although a nice woody brown might work just as well.

Pet-g is the way to go. It can be a right bastard to get the setting right, and it doesn't print that fast - but get it right and it's ridiculously strong and less dense than pla.
Abs is awful outdoors.

Don't get me started on ender 3's - but if yours works - use it :-)

Didn't think the snapmaker had a particularly large build volume.

Don't understand where all this nonsense about pla is coming from. I've had pla things outside for years - in the english weather. Apart from the colour leaching slightly, they're as good as they were when they were made.

As far as infill etc goes. shells and outlines are what gives real strength.
So I'd probably go for something like:
5 shells, top/bottom layers and 40% infill.

scale down to test print settings.