My thermisters came in, I picked up 8 thermisters with 3 meter cables that are housed in metal pipes and epoxied into place. That should be safe enough to leave in the house even with bats (if I ever get so lucky to have bats). The up side is these are dirt cheap, it cost $9 for 8. The down side is you need a MUX or a device that can log analog voltages from 8 or more inputs, and they are uncalibrated so I have to go through that step.

I'm still waiting on my i2c temperature probes. I went ahead and picked up 8 of those as well, at around $30. The nice thing there is they can share a single wire for the data bus, and are easily to gaing together. They are also calibrated and have there own 12 bit A/D converter built in. The down side is the cost and the slightly larger size. Also they are exposed, so I would need to print a housing if I was to leave them permanently in the house. For now they are good enough.

I also picked up several light sensors to see if I could work out the thermal load on the house. My light sensor from above is not good for much more than a binary on/off value indicating the sun is up.