The build is going quite slowly, simply because when I started this project, was hoping to use some of my spare 3D Printers parts.
This scenario is quickly proving not to be the case with the MPCNC carriage growing heavier than expected,.
Decided on the controller, drivers an lead screw. An Arduino Mega with Ramps 1.6, this one is equipped with a mosfet heat-sink
Decided to use the T8-2 lead screws this is a trapezoidal 8mm lead screw that has a pitch of 2mm per revolution.

As you can see the carriage has been assembled with a minor setback again needing to order stronger steppers and a new T8-2 Lead-screw.
This by no means will stop me from partially assembling the MPCNC's other components while I wait for the remaining parts to arrive.

Assembled with a temporary 56oz Stepper an T8-8 Lead screw