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Thread: Gecko Tek

  1. #1
    Staff Engineer
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    Gecko Tek

    Oh ya. Good-Bye 3m blue tape. Check out this new build surface I am using..

  2. #2
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    Here is a link to their website if anybody else is interested:

  3. #3
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    Had enough left over from the piece I bought for the 300x200 bed to cover my old monoprice select mini..

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    doesn't last very long.
    Other than that, probably quite good. there's some decent surfaces around these days.
    About the same price as a bottle of dimafix or magigoo.

    Have you tried pei ? that's a lot cheaper.

    interesting to see how you get on with this.

    And how is the flock of planes getting on ?

  5. #5
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    Well so far I am very happy with the build surface. The blue tape left a ruff surface on the bottom of my prints with a line at the seems where the strips of tape meet. Now all my prints look like they came off a glass plate. So far I have no nicks or chips or any imperfections in the build surfaces to speak of. But I also haven't used them much yet and still only with the PLA. So more time is needed for a better assessment but so far so good.

    As for my air force I have not flown a single one. As I was strapping in the electronics and making my way through the programming and setting up the flight controllers I had a handful of people come forward and convince me this was a really bad idea. That I need to learn to fly small light RC aircraft and spend time with them before I just try to fly something big and heavy. And not because of what I can or can not do but because without experience there is good chance that I might hurt myself or worse someone else and that I need to be able to control something big and heavy that travels through the air fast. My friends scared me. But I still have them. Collecting dust. With 4s lipo batteries, game controller style controllers, flight stabilizers/controllers that are programmable, all the bells and whistles to have some fun. I guess I just lost my balls along the way. Right at the end.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    well how else do you learn except by flying stuff ?
    Ignore your friends and just have a go !

    It's a given you'll break the first one, but the second should be good :-)

  7. #7
    is it worth using?

  8. #8
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    So far so good. For all I have heard about gecko tek not being durable all my build surfaces are still perfect and without flaw today. And i love the way it looks like i was printing on glass instead of the ruff finish left by printing on tape.
    For what it costs and what I have already printed on them I would definitely recommend this build surface to anyone.

  9. #9
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    Well I finally had to change the build surface on one of my printers. My home made printer, Printalicious has entered extreme duty as it prints out the lion's share of the parts for my Black Widow rework. I have been printing all the parts for my BW with translucent red PETG. And I am finding that PETG can have adhesion problems the other way..

  10. #10
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    I have been moving around items before I slice them to avoid the damaged areas of the build surface and have gotten a bunch of use out of it even after the first chunk came out. I got a pleasant surprise when I went to remove the build surface. I was prepared for a fight and got out the scraping tools and the goo gone and the blow torch and the pliers but then the build surface just peeled right up..

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