There are many ways to accomplish a task, none are wrong, all ways for one reason of another do not work for all users.

I have tried the PVA glue and had nothing but a mess that had to be cleaned afterwards, the print did indeed stick to the PVA glue though the PVA glue refused to stick to the surface, so the PLA, PVA Glue both were hanging above the bed warped.
The build surface was so bad nothing would stick to it, finally I purchased these Chinese build surfaces from Hictop and after a few prints was sold on them. The first bed surface I purchased was the price of 6 on these Chinese surfaces that work for me...

When I got my first print to stick I used a piece of Vinyl Transfer paper tape Tape.

Well as stated above finally wanted to 3D Print ABS and the tape method was in my opinion out of the question.
So I purchased the bed surfaces from Hictop and have never been more pleased with the results.

I wanted to show the the Vinyl Transfer Paper Tape method

Installing Vinyl Transfer Paper Tape

Will Vinyl transfer paper Hold my Part

Will Vinyl Transfer Paper release my Print