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  1. #1

    Blobs/Zits on the side of printed part.

    Hope this is the right thread to be posting this...

    So for the past couple days I have been trying to print a specific model I made for what we call a tension relief basically relieves tension off a cord, any how the tension relief which is being printed with soft pla, has little "zits" as I have heard them be called that appear in the exact same spot on every single print i have tried making large changes to the print settings but nothing works, I have changed speed from upper 50mm/s to all the way down to even 10mm/s, I have changed temperature from a range of 165 to 210 degrees Celsius, I tried disabling combing, I tried disabling retraction and tried increasing flow by 10 and decreasing it by 10, nothing made even the slightest difference in print quality... I checked for a change in filament diameter too see if it absorbed any moisture and it is within 0.03 mm and I don't here any obvious poping or sizzling. Should I still dry it in the oven?
    Any suggestions as to what I should do to fix this, I need this part as smooth as possible, obviously FDM printers are limited, but if i can get these "zits" off that would be good enough.

    Edit: using polar3d for slicer.
    Using Flash Forge Finder No modifications standard factory model.
    Printing with Soft/Flex PLA from paramount
    cant post picture cause i don't have 3 posts...

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Washington State, USA
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    I would start with checking that the slicer has the correct configuration for the 3D Printer.
    Filament diameter, nozzle size, infill overlap, feed-rate ect...

  3. #3
    Everything is correct, Cant adjust feed-rates in polar3d but i believe it knows the correct feed rate, I have the infil overlap 2% higher because otherwise there are gaps between the top and walls of prints.

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