I'm sorry if I came across overly facetious Michael. That was certainly not my intent. For the most part I do not repair models. If they have a blemish or somehow have a cosmetic anomaly they find the trash heap. Just another chance to do more printing

But indeed you triggered my designer brain only in the request for polycarb printing with a pen. And my previous experience with a pen just said that they are too limiting. The scribbler is a good pen but a bit spendy for my taste.

I also had a passing vision of tat-guns where I realized that our all-in-one hotends (non-bowden) are really set up to do exactly what you are asking. If you have a manageable controller handy, this could be a fun project. You can really squirt some plastic with a vulcan hot end for instance. But also understand that in recent months I've taken on getting intimately familiar with Arduino from scratch and your suggestion just sent the rest of my brain into overdrive. This might just make a good learning project even though I have no spare hotends... yet.

Have you played with friction welding yet? Another interesting repair and joining technique using a Dremel. If repairs are under paint, I find epoxies easy enough to deal with. Even that is not my goto for my types of projects. I do tend to go for vibrant opaque colors and anticipate flawless prints... or at least very consistent as I don't test my models across platforms.

Did you find anything that did peak your interest? Thinking of a particular budget?

Oh, this is one tool I do use for cleanup of ABS: pimple remover...

Flameless butane soldering iron without the tip.