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  1. #1
    Technician Torby's Avatar
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    Bartlesville Oklahoma USA
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    Smile Settings in MakerBot Print (Macintosh)

    I used Makerware on my windows computer for a long time. Alas, my windows computer has bit the dust. I've been loaned a Mac Mini. Pretty cool.

    Just installed "MakerBot Print" and wondering how to change the settings. Like it has the travel speed set to a whopping 144 mm/s. I use more like 20. If I try to type in a 20, it switches it back to 144. I can use the - buttons to (very slowly) change it a bit, but it stops rolling at like 140mm/s. Somehow, I got the "floor thickness" set to 0, but can't get it set to the original 0.8mm.

    This mac won't even read my SD card.

    I don't even know how to do a screen shot on a macintosh.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    If you're using a replicator or replicator pro - then download the latest version of Flashforge's FLASHPRINT for macs.
    Much, much much better slicer than makerware. easier to use, access to all the slicer settings and just better all round.
    click the 'download now' button to get all the versions.

  3. #3
    Technician Torby's Avatar
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    Actually, I have a really old one that uses the old .s3g files rather than the newer .x3g files. I'll try FLASHPRINT

  4. #4
    Technician Torby's Avatar
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    Hmm. Flashprint doesn't seem to know anything about my antique dual headed makerbot (the old wooden kind).

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    x3g only.
    never heard of s3g files.
    it was worth a try.

  6. #6
    Yes Its Very USeful

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