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  1. #1

    Geetech a30 steppers wont work


    I had this printer now for about 6 months but only printed like 10 things with it. Today i tryed printing another model via sd card. At first all things seemed normal but after i while i noticed that the printer is not homeing (not moveing at all) Thebed and the nozzle are both working but the steppers arent i also tryed moveing them manually over the ui but also there: nothing. Over usb its the same.

    I will have to say that i have all the basic electrical knowledge and equippment here to troubleshoot BUT i first wantedto ask here because im really helpless and dont know how a 3d printer works. Also as far as my research goes its not a common problem.

    Thanks for evry answer!

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Trouble shooting! well Start by unplugging all the connectors and re-plugging them in, it could just be a oxidized connection.

  3. #3
    in the mean time i already did that i also checked the voltage on the steppers its 24.6 volts on the controllers its .6 volts also all 3 psu ''rails'' are 24 volts
    it dident make any difference

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I do not remember when I have seen a electrical problem that causes board to malfunction when it is turned off
    If the LCD boots then try the restore Factory

    Send M502 Restore firmware Defaults followed by a M500 Save Settings.
    Then try to move the axis again.

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