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  1. #1
    Engineer-in-Training MysteryAlabaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
    Link to the site:

    Holy crap, this is the worst site I have ever seen... It's so badly designed and there are grammar mistakes everywhere.

    There's no way this is a legitimate thing, there are almost no details on how you get the money or anything else for that matter.

    I would strongly advise on NOT giving your real name, address, or email.

    I'll be looking into this a bit more, but this seems like a huge scam. OP has only one post, that being this one.

    //EDIT: Before I get yelled at about how it clearly says 'BETA', I just want to point out a few things that shouldn't exist even in a beta of something:

    When you mouse over an image it displays the name of the image file
    The title line on the "How it works" page reads as "So how it works?", when it should read "So, how does it work?"
    On the "How it works" page, the images that rotate are not size restricted, and they constantly get bigger and smaller, shifting the text and pictures below them as they do
    On the "About Us" page, it literally says nothing about who they are, or what previous experience they have to be able to run this.
    The contact email is a Gmail, and while I have no problem with Gmail -I use it myself- it is the easiest to create a new account on. They don't even have an email @ their own site.
    You can't actually USE the service yet, they claim that they're just gathering info on people that are interested.

    I have designed sites in the past, and worked with professional web designers, this is ALL wrong.
    Last edited by MysteryAlabaster; 11-04-2013 at 01:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Hi MysteryAlabaster,
    Indeed as you said, this site his on his beta phase. as I wrote to Rene "once the database will be big enough, 3D-Linked will open the ability to choose the partners and to actually use this platform as it was meant to be.​"

    I thank you for your comments, and we will try as soon as possible to fix those bugs!!

    Again you were right that 3D-Linked is not a big company. (we hope we will be some day...)
    Also "" started with 3 peole and today they are huge.

    Regarding to your skill as a "modeler", it is about the same process as being a 3D printer owner.
    "Clients" which dont know how to create 3D models will contact you for converting thier ideas into a valid and known CAD file format.

    Thanks again,

  3. #3
    Engineer-in-Training MysteryAlabaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
    Hi MysteryAlabaster,
    Indeed as you said, this site his on his beta phase. as I wrote to Rene "once the database will be big enough, 3D-Linked will open the ability to choose the partners and to actually use this platform as it was meant to be.​"

    I thank you for your comments, and we will try as soon as possible to fix those bugs!!

    Again you were right that 3D-Linked is not a big company. (we hope we will be some day...)
    Also "" started with 3 peole and today they are huge.

    Regarding to your skill as a "modeler", it is about the same process as being a 3D printer owner.
    "Clients" which dont know how to create 3D models will contact you for converting thier ideas into a valid and known CAD file format.

    Thanks again,

    I get all of that just fine. What I don't get is why there are no names on the website.

    It might just be me, but when I see something and there is no legal name attached to it, it makes me nervous. As a general rule, I want to know who you are, what you're doing, why you're doing it, how you plan to do it, what makes you right for the job, and what makes me want to trust you with my name and address.

    I, as a consumer, and possible customer, want to know that my information and anything else of mine that you touch/see/know about is safe with you. And the only way I see that you can do that, is give names.

    In your original post, you make no connection between you and the site, but now, you speak as if you are a major part of it. Little confusing...
    Also, even here, you have only your first name, yet you ask me for my full name and my address even, on your sign-up pages.

    //EDIT: I just want to say, that I genuinely mean no offence here, and I know it might seem like I do. I'm just one of those people who thinks that when you make something for public use, you should add a little polish even if, as a whole, your product is raw and unrefined.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MysteryAlabaster View Post
    I get all of that just fine. What I don't get is why there are no names on the website.

    It might just be me, but when I see something and there is no legal name attached to it, it makes me nervous. As a general rule, I want to know who you are, what you're doing, why you're doing it, how you plan to do it, what makes you right for the job, and what makes me want to trust you with my name and address.

    I, as a consumer, and possible customer, want to know that my information and anything else of mine that you touch/see/know about is safe with you. And the only way I see that you can do that, is give names.

    In your original post, you make no connection between you and the site, but now, you speak as if you are a major part of it. Little confusing...
    Also, even here, you have only your first name, yet you ask me for my full name and my address even, on your sign-up pages.

    //EDIT: I just want to say, that I genuinely mean no offence here, and I know it might seem like I do. I'm just one of those people who thinks that when you make something for public use, you should add a little polish even if, as a whole, your product is raw and unrefined.

    I quite agree with you that it is problematic to give information to someone you do not trust.

    Some of us in 3D-Linked are working in one of the 3D printers companies, so this activity is still anonymous.

    I'm sure that as time passes and 3D-Linked will grow, we will not need this anonymity. Meanwhile, I can assure you we have the experience and responsibility which are necessary to establish such a new platform that will lead the world of 3D to new possibilities.


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