Did you get the filament extrusion dialed?

Sticking to the print bed is no simple matter but build surfaces help.
Me, LokBuild is fine and it works wonders with a water slurry of CubeGlue. Can't give a better reference than that.

Tape: I got the best tape in the world on the blue side... but the sticky side is still a removable adhesive with limited adhesion. The tape is "crape" or s=crimped by definition, coming up if of little consequence from the printer part to curl up.

I've found that close perimeter ''sidewalks" help significantly. Those that have a placid hold at best for one or two layer. Just something that you know will stick and not curl up on you.

Making reliefs in geometry helps... or my favorite (for the right prints) build the whole thing floating in a dense washable support structure!

If your parts are curling there is a significant heat differential between the plate and the part. Come closer to equilibrium.
A vice-like grip between the build plate and the part will simply cause layer delamination further up the print.
Plastic is known for always being under strain depending on the fabrication process. That is what annealing is all about.