I have a Tronxy x5s, I have no problem getting the bed up to 110C it takes around 7-8 mins. I covered all the electrical connections going into the bed with electrical tap and then cover the bottom of the bed with Reflectix double walled insulation I had laying around. Other then using a crappy temp gun, I have not been able to test it to see if it has even heat dispersion really is.

As for controller board, if you want to go on the very cheap side get a ramps/arduino combo ~$35 on amazon. You will also need to getting a mosfit ~$7 for the bed, it pulls more amps then the ramps 1.4 board can handle. This will allow you to use a auto bed leveling prob without having to strip down marlin software to get it to fit like the stock board. Now that I said that, it is a 8bit board and Marlin 2.0 the latest release is the last 8bit version. I use marlin since it's what I know and have not seen a reason to change yet. I still have not ran into any problems with the system, but when I decide to upgrade the board later on I will use the parts for other projects.

Once you get your printer up and going the major problem you will have is getting the belts to have the same tension. I am lucky since its my second printer, I was able to print motor mounts to help thingiverse(thing:2720415). I would recommend spending some time on Thingiverse looking at the x5s section for easy fixes to design problems.

I would also change out the stock print head, to a E3d or an equivalent but I wouldn't go with a knockoff here. I went with a water cooled E3d chimera, one nozzle will be dedicated to dis-solvable support material. I wanted to have the ability to set different temps on each nozzle. I plan on going to duel E3d Volcano in the future. I went with water cooling since I am planning on making a actively heated chamber around the build area to keep it around 70-90C for ABS and to get into more exotic filaments.

I hope this helps, but without knowing your expectation and what you want out of your printer its hard to guide you in the right direction.