Just wondering if anyone has taken the time to create files for the wood parts in the i3v and created some out of PLA, ABS or other materials.

I am going to take the limit switch wood pieces and do a little design work on them. I want to duplicate them except I do not want two holes to run a Zip Tie through. I want to create a recess in the back for the nut, and the holes so that I can bolt them in place. Beyond that I have wondered how many of the other parts could be created out of PLA and printed, or of other materials. Also am wanting to replace the wood that is the main body with folded sheet metal maybe, and make it look nicer, and incorporate the power supplies. I do realize that it would require me to do a little extra design and fabrication but I think in the end it would be worth it.

Maybe hit it with some Automotive grade paint and make it look good.

Any other thoughts?

Who here has customized their printer?