For miniatures you need a Resin printer. FDM is out of the question.

There are two types of Resin printers

1) ones that use a laser (often referred to as SLA), $1300-4000+

2) ones that use a screen or projector, $300-1000+

With LCD or DLP resin printers you can see sometimes see the pixels, especially in flat areas with shallow angles. It's subtle but visible.

I have the anycubic photon, which is a lcd printer with a 2k screen... it's excellent, especially for $400, and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. One coat of filler primer is all it takes to remove any visible artifacts from the LCD projection.

If you want to avoid any visible pixels, spend the extra and get a printer that uses a laser.

The least expensive laser resin printer that I'd recommend is the Peopoly Moai, which cost $1300. It's prints are arguably as good as any other resin printer, even those that cost 3 times as much.