Am I correct in that higher numbers are less rubber like? I've tried HobbyKings TPU 98A Premium, and while it was flexible and almost stiff enough, it wasn't similar in other areas. If I tried to print at a lower infill, the part would just fall into pieces along printed lines. I'm sure if I played with print settings I could get something that resembles the properties, but it just isn't the same in respect to look, feel, finished weight and durability. There's definitely a good use for this type material, however for my intentions its just too heavy.

Whatever material they are using retains its shape once bent, it has a nice translucent appearance to it. Here's 3 pictures of an item that is used to protect an antenna. 1st pic is item as is, 2nd is flexed very far, and 3rd is once pressure was released. See how it almost returned to its original position without leaving a crease.


So far 1 person responded that PETG isn't flexible, one says it is. I have read that PETG is somewhat flexible, maybe not in the same way TPU is, but it doesn't show the brittle properties that PLA/ABS has (from my reading - I don't have 1st hand knowledge).

I am located in the US, so I will give that brand a look.

I'm also open to further input. If anyone has used PETG Translucent filament - in particular HKs PETG Premium Transparent please pipe in on your experience with printed items. From searching results of items printed with this filament, I can say that the results look similar, but I have no idea in regards to the physical properties.

Thanks for the replies,