Alright so I'll look into the OpenSCAD, I can just try to learn some over the next few weeks. Now as for the printer, do I need to know a coding language or do most of these have a GUI. By that I mean when I need to tweek settings on that arduino, will I see a wall of text and start changing numbers or will I open a program, go to the speed tab and change the value?

As for the printer, don't take this as I'm not listening to you. The repraps seems to be a great route to go. If I wanted to build a printer with 12x12x(pretty much and value) or maybe 15x15x(any value). If I wanted to build one with those for my budget... is that possible? If not toss one at me that would have something like that. Hell If I could have something that was 15 inches long, 6 inches wide and at least 4 tall....!

Thanks guys,
