I backed it and I'm really at a loss to decide whether to go on or not. The KS forum is really fired up and a lot of it is mostly point of views and no facts. Their competition certainly seems to be behind some of the more ruthless posts.

Admittedly, they made a few blunders, especially in communication. The update regarding delayed delivery was "backers only" which is either active deception or beginners' lack of experience.

According to the latest posts they are now selecting an engineering company to help them deal with the unexpected volume in a semi industrial way. Some people see it as a honest status report, others choose to see it as the admission that the prototype is a sham and the KS funding will be used for development (which is contrary to KS rules I think).

Facts :
There is a working prototype as seen in the videos.
The extrusion speed is not a spec they have detailed, and probably relatively slow as seen in the newest videos.
The prototype doesn't yet have a temp selection switch, hence at the moment it's either PLA or ABS but not both.

Would 2 serious engineering companies be wiling to risk their reputation on a condemned project ? I think not. In the meantime the subject is still raging in the KS comments section with over 600 posts. Time will tell.