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  1. #11
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by old man emu View Post
    2. Amending you Constitution to remove the section about the Right to bear arms.
    3. Banning the use of firearms in TV and movies.
    4. Convincing Hollywood that motion picture stories which rely solely on violence run close to being pornographic.
    3 & 4 have some value. But #2 is questionable. The places that have the highest crime rates , murder rates and armed robberies are places that have gun control. Places that have concealed carry laws don't have much of a problem with armed robberies. Can you explain why that is to me Old Man Emu?

  2. #12
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    No need to apologize. Nothing like a good debate.

    However, there is nothing Utopian about my comments. Despair and poverty breed crime because of the human drive to survive. If you can't buy it, you'll steal it. If the world fell into anarchy, you and I both would steal and shoot if we had to in order to survive and feed our families. The difference is, many poverty stricken and disenfranchised people don't need anarchy to feel the need to survive any way they can. Pulling every gun out of TV, movies and changing verbiage in documents will not keep them from doing whatever they need to survive.

    A significant number of people who commit crimes with guns probably know little about the NRA and have never read the Constitution. Yes, glamorizing guns in movies does desensitize us to the destruction they can cause but that's not what makes most people pick up a gun and use it. While what you say is certainly valid and would be helpful, it's triage. Those things try to treat the symptoms and not eradicate the cause.

    Peace my southern friend...not arguing with you here....just ruminating....
    Bambu P1S/AMS

  3. #13
    Staff Engineer
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    Quote Originally Posted by old man emu View Post
    1. Outlawing the NRA as a terrorist organisation
    Before you go further with that thought, consider that something around 85% of the US military from the ground troops on up to the top generals are card-carrying members of the NRA.

    Not to mention, that while there are certainly some radical actions from their lobbyists and activists, the organization as a whole is (genrally) sane. And there's no practical way to seperate the activists from the membership.

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