
Back again with another issue

My right extruder it seems will not load. It won't grab the filament. When i choose to unload it however, it pulls it through and the PLA comes out but when I load, it will not so I cant print.

I thought it was maybe RepG software so i went to makerware (that I've had no success with as the prints come out all weird) and when i tested it to try and see if it was a software issue after leveling the build plate, the extruders somehow were too close to the buildplate nd dragged across them ripping up the tape. I instantly went to re-level the print bed and its fine?! Can get the paper just under the nozzles.

So my problems are these, I cannot get filament to come out resulting in no prints and the bed leveling seems way off for printing but fine for leveling.

whats going on? Any ideas?

Thanks guys
