The whole concept is fundamentally flawed, flawed to the point where it is obvious that not only is a workable solution not possible, even if it were possible, there is no need for it.
These guys are failing to solve a problem that doesn't exist and they've spent 13 months doing it.
In 13 months all they have done is mount an extruder to a commercial copter!
Technical breakthroughs achieved = 0. Progress towards workable solution = 0.

The footage of extrusion occurring while the copter is totally STATIONARY shows that the gimbal cannot even handle the wobble caused by the extrusion gear turning, how can it hope to compensate for a copter in the breeze.
The gimbal sort of compensates for some movement in two dimensions but the copter is unstable in 3 dimensions.

All of the fundamental failures aside, I defy anyone to identify a single item that this waste of neurons could create that would be of any possible use that could not be better created in a more conventional way.

Total rubbish