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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Case Study 3D Printer


    for our lecture technology entrepreneurship, we have to do a case study about 3D printing.
    We had the idea to offer a DIY Kit for Filament Dry Cabinet for home applications.
    It would include a low humidity, under 20%, adjustable spool hanger and a display for monitoring.
    Also, we would look if we need different sizes if the wires are not standardized and it's needed.

    Did you like the idea and would you buy the product?
    Every Feedback or additional ideas will help us to improve our project!

    Thanks for your help!


  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    to be honest, filament absorbing moisture just isn't that much of an issue for me.
    so no, drying cabinet is not something I would buy.

    I can tell you that spools are NOT standardised.
    outer diameters vary quite a lot as does thickness of the reel as does the hole in the centre. I have spools with centre holes from 9mm diameter on up to about 40mm.
    I also have small reels that hold 250gms or 500 gms.

    Then there's the space such a cabinet would take up. I literally have nowhere to put such a thing.

    It's a fairly simple project - but honestly, I doubt you'd sell many.

  3. #3
    I think it is just too late in the game.. google filament dryer.. I use one of these when needed and store the spools in vacuum storage bags inside 5 gallon buckets with screw on lids..

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    oh yeah I also have a an excalibur dehydrator should i ever need to dry filament.
    Like airscapes said - most people who need to dry filament regularly - already have methods to do so.

    things that you can't yet easily get for 3d printing.
    idiot proof filament joiner. It's on my list of future projects. I'm looking at basing my joiner on a set of cheap hair straighteners.
    But something where you just shover two ends into a slot, presssed the thing and had a clean joined filament would be great.

    Also what we still don't have yet is a decent and reliable desktop widget to recycle failed prints, benchies ets back into useable filament.
    A number of pople have tried - so far I've yet to see anything that either works or is cost effective.

    Where people seem to fail is they just make an extruder. To keep the filament diameter consistent, I believe iy needs to be extrudede under tension, so a built in winder/tensioner is essential.

    If I were you I'd look at the filament joiner as your project.
    It's needed, it's not complicated and it's doable on a decent budget.

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