Hello. I run my Type A Series 1 almost 24 hours a day.

I have made hundreds of prints on it so far and this is what I think.

It is rugged and tolerant. The machine has a very large build volume, 12x12, cant really beat that.

The combination of KISSlicer and the series 1 works well.

But as of today, I believe they are selling their machines to use Cura slicer. So I cant comment on that. I am a die hard fan of KISSlicer.

The cons are that for the price you dont get a heat platform. This is not a deal breaker, I use a glue stick on my glass platform and the PLA never curls. You also don't get dual heads, which; may be unfair for me to say because for the price you do get that large volume.

The repeatability of the machine is good. It does make mistakes, but usually those are caused by the user messing around with too many parameters and not letting the machine do its thing. I am a tinkerer so I like to see what everything does, I push all the buttons in KISSlicer to push the machine.

Overall it is a good machine, it has that great big build volume. I would say, that if I had to change something about this machine, I would change the bed design. It may have been changed already, because I have a series 1 BETA which is a year old. I think the newer machines could already have some of these issues solved.

The wifi, I never used. My BETA machine requires some pretty elaborate method of connecting to wifi that I am not interested in learning. I just go through USB and pronterface. So this setup works well for me. I would say, print quality is average but after working out some basic kinks it is a rugged workhose machine.

Hope this helps