Quote Originally Posted by lycan View Post
Learning a lot,

Had extruders too close to bed today and unused extruder kept dragging on the print in places, when did a bed level the sheet of paper was dragging on nozzles so just that fraction out..oop`s.

Don't know anything about " Z " stop yet, must have overlooked that one, or doing it without being aware of it.
Unfortunately work will be tying me up for the next few days so no time for printing, bummer.
Thanks again to everyone for their help with all my queries etc.

Z stop isnt something you worry about with the flashforge, the machine is a fixed Z stop and you make the bed adjust to that level. There is software to then adjust it more but I have never ever needed to.

If my prints were not working, it was and always seems to be down to the bed being a touch off.. and my bed also had warped a little over time.