Quote Originally Posted by Cajones View Post
I considered the CR-10 but the time for the bed to heat up and the fan noise from the control box make the tornado look like a better option in my opinion.
So you are choosing against a printer because of a fan and because of a weak power supply? This is not how we should be selecting a printer. We should be looking at the frame. It's size and it's rigidity. All other considerations are a parts change. And most change parts as they try to dial their printers in and make them print better and higher temp filaments. The reason the cr-10 has this heating issue is because it runs a 12v power supply If you want a printer with a large heated bed then you need to be looking for a 24v machine. OR buy the cr-10 and buy a 24v power supply. The fan is a fan. These are easily changed parts. But I think the truth is there is no all around great machine out there. Surely not in the reasonably priced range. And all are a collection of the cheapest parts available to keep the profit up. Does that make a lot of sense or what? So in the end you should really just choose your printer based off of it's frame and see everything else as the pile of lego's they are. easily interchangeable.