I'm with ralph. I have never printed calibration cubes, benchiues or other pointless 'calibration' prints.

I've just made the stuff I wanted to make, and adjusted accordingly.

For new filament I might make giveaways as a test. The makerbolt and nut set is one of my favourite giveaways as it highlights both the versatility and practical uses of 3d printing. While using about 5 grams.
Shopping trolley keys and tokens are another of my test prints. All things I can use, give away or sell.

You won't learn ANYTHING from a benchy that you can't learn from any other print.
You might as well buy ten rolls of filament and straight away throw one in the bin.

I see far too many people, round here and on facebook who spend weeks, messing about with calibration prints, firmware and the like - when all that time they could have been making the stuff they actually wanted to make and learning as they went.