Thanks for filling out the survey!
The answer is no, I don't have any pictures of the machine yet. There is a "total_assembly" module in the .scad file which renders an assembly of the machine if you want to see what it should look like. I just finished the files and thought I'd release them for anyone interested. I'm working on getting the parts printed at my university since printing them myself has proved troublesome. I have an old printer, with old abs (at times the extrusion line completely bubbles up like a foam from all the evaporating moisture) and a cold house so predictably I've only had failures. I'll be doing a build log and demo videos once I get the printed parts in hand. I guess I was a bit over eager to get the files out and felt like I should back up my promises of an open source machine if I'm asking people to take time out of their day to help me out with a survey.

I'm somewhat confused as to why it's warping since it's printer that's enclosed from all sides (bar the top, which is covered by a plastic bag to enclose it but still give the reverse bowden tube room to move) and it actually gets fairly warm inside the enclosure. I've changed a couple of things since I last printed, namely the 0.4->1.2 mm nozzle, and larger layer heights to go with it, plus the plastic has moisture problems it didn't have before. I guess I'm also printing relatively large, flat surfaces too.

As for the plug/pin issue, you can always use a 3 pin connector with only two wires connected, right?

As for the size, yeah that's a bit of an issue for some people. For me, not so much, I currently live at a place where I've got room to spare, mostly because I don't have much furniture. My design is similar to the MPCNC in that it uses steel tubing as the rails/frame so the size of the machine is really up to the builder. I plan to prop mine up against a wall when not in use since I'll be making a fairly big machine (1m tubing for the XY axis, it was gonna be 1.5m but cost/practicality).