Since I was a kid I've been a mad inventor. But always lacked patience with making stuff.
It's why i got into wood turning rather than cabinet making.
Clamp a bit of wood and spin it up to 1000 rpm and poke it with a sharp bit of metal.
It's nerve wracking but you can make an actual finished item in a very short space of time.

Makibox got me into 3d printing. In that it was the first machine under £300.
I ordered one and started reading up on 3d printing and learning to use openscad.
6 months later makibox folded with my machine and filament sitting in a shipping container in hong kong.

Bought a flashforge creator and haven't looked back since :-)
Won a klic-n-print in the big competition.
Built a he3d k200 delta last year and am currently building - totally from scratch - a 'slightly' bigger delta with a build volume of 350mm x over a metre tall.

The fact that I can envisage a thing, design it and hold it in my hand a couple hours after first thinking of it is just amazing.
People might think that waiting 4 or 5 hours for a smallish object isn't that fast.
But the point is that It happens independently of me. Once I've started the print off, I can go shopping, walk the dogs, do some work, go to bed etc.
My time is mostly tied up in the designing process - which I'm pretty quick at these days :-)

It is a process close to miraculous.
Not quite a startrek replicator - but damn some of the machines out there are getting close.

Great industry to be a part of :-)