Thanks for recommendations. I will look into all of your recommendations. Thanks for the suggestion about temperature. That's one of those things that I know but don't often consider. I normally print my PLA at 205 or 210 anyway but I get concerned about changing anything that could affect print quality even though PLA is fairly easy to dial in.

Update: I made 2 orders of "silk" filaments. One from a company stateside and one in China. Both well reviewed. The shipping speed has been concerning. I can't blame the one stateside because it's actually FedEx that is taking almost 10 days to get it to me. The Chinese company shipped about 4 days later but they do offer shipment tracking so that's nice. It's just concerning to wait 10+ days for a filament order from anywhere when I consider the tight timetable I usually work under and possible future stock shortages (when you're using a specialty filament and need to restock you have to get that exact one).

Anyway, both orders should arrive to me today/tomorrow and I plan to report back as soon as I've had a moment to run some parts in them. My entire goal is to have a part coming off the printer that requires as little final finishing processes as possible.

Also, I purchased some eSun filament off Amazon. Super cheap $20 for a roll. They offer 2 different whites like light bulbs. Cool white and soft white. Just like light bulbs one obviously has a tinge of blue and the other a tinge of yellow. I bought the cool white and it's pretty good looking actually. It's also really opaque which is important to my parts. Worth checking out if you're on the hunt for a good, cheap white. If anyone has a super glossy AND opaque white let me know