I'm not a beta so I cant test this idea but I'd like to just put it out there.

Could you get interesting and useful printing effects by having an object in the print area and have the Juice+saline, the Juline if you will, raise up around the object?

I joked in another thread that you could use the peachy to print bodywork straight onto a chassis if you had a build area big enough, a more practical idea I've had is to print masters for dental appliances. You can have a dental plaster copy of the patent's existing gum and teeth which you place in the build area. The peachy prints teeth in the gaps as the Juline rises. Anywhere where a tooth is not needed will have the dental stone in place and the laser will not touch the resin. Anywhere where you'll want a tooth there will be resin flowing into position and the laser will cure it.

Assuming you could make reasonable estimates for the displacement of the object and the object was not reflective at all I think this would be a really useful application for the peachy.

Also I'm happy to test this out myself should team peachy decide to send me a beta kit...