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  1. #7
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    I also try and add comments to my script - so It makes sense if I go back to it or need to modifiy something. All the brackets can be confusing otherwise.

    It doesn't matter which way up you make the model the slicer can rotate for best print prientation, and in this case lying flat would give you the strongest and most dimensionally accurate model. It also means you don't have to rotate your cylinders - so it's one thing to consider before starting a model.
    Plus if you make the model in the correct orientation for printing - it saves mucking about on the slicer :-)

    $fn=100; //makes round things rounder by using more facets for rounding stuff.

    difference() { // everything after the first line is removed from the object generated by the first line
    cube([205,20,12]); // basic oblong

    translate([193.5,9.5,0]) cylinder(d=7, h=13); // removes the top hole
    translate([12.5,9.5,0]) cylinder(d=7, h=13); // removes the bottom hole
    translate([190,-5,0]) cube([7,15,12]); // removes the side slot
    }// end diff // end of removal process.
    '//' - tells openscad ti ignore everything after until a new line is started. ';' tells it that particular command line has ended and to process the commands.

    install openscad. Paste the above text in. Press f6 on your keyboard. Then click 'File' and select expost as stl. And you'll have your printable model.

    One of the really great things about openscad is that it ONLY makes printable models. It refuses to export anything that won't print.

    Which can make modifying an existing stl tricky if the stl isn't manifold to start with.

    length: width: height
    205: 20: 12
    you're getting there :-)

    Once you get into it and start using modules and iterations - it is amazing just what you can make fairly quickly.
    Also there is no issue with moving or sizing things, you can change by any number large or small without having to fight a mouse or slider bar.

    Give me a pair of digital calipers abd openscad and I can duplicate most things pretty quickly.

    There is currently no 'bend' or 'curve' command - so making curvy organic shapes can take a bit of lateral thinking.

    If I ever find the openscad forum, I'll suggest it - but so far all I've seen is a mailing list and I get enough crap mail as it is :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 12-11-2017 at 07:21 AM.

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