I'm working on a Hictop i3 clone for someone who got it second hand with less than spectacular wiring. He just used it as-is for several months before the thing tossed the stepper driver for the extruder. He brought it to me to replace the board and tidy up the cabling.

Got the new board installed just fine, but it had no firmware (or wrong firmware) installed as the screen just comes up with black squares. Normally I'd just hop into configuration.h of a fresh Marlin folder and start adding printer details, but I can't seem to find the details for this printer. There are a few places where people have set up firmware and made it available to download, but they're older versions of Marlin and won't compile.

Does anyone have a ready to roll firmware file for this (to save me time, I'm kind of over working on it at this point) or the details I need to set up the firmware for this machine?