To print a circle, the print head is gonna move in a circle whether you have a delta or cartesian. Moving the bed up and down is not an issue in a cartesian printer, it moves very rarely, slowly and in small increments, might as well be stationary. A delta printer has just as many (if not more) components in motion as a cartesian. For XY movement a cartesian moves the x gantry and x carriage (in an h configuration like coreXY and replicators), while a delta moves three sets of diagonal rods, three carriages and the print head.

I think you're underestimating what a difference bowden makes, try putting a direct drive on your delta and using the same settings, it will shake itself apart. Diagonal rods on a delta are more flimsy than the x gantry on a cartesian, it's part of the reason the majority of deltas use bowden, because they shake themselves apart with direct drives.