
My name is Kaleb I am really good friends with Rylan and Nathan so I had a lot of inside knowledge for the past year. When it comes to more recent times with Peachy Printer I have been doing a lot of different tasks. Answer questions backers have, working on backerkit, approving updates. I have helped with R&D and Rylan and I will often discuss the project and where it is going, specifics with hardware, software etc. I am also somewhat (lol) opinionated and not afraid to express myself if I think something is going in the wrong direction, or if something is a bad idea, and I love working at Peachy because this is embraced! Most places of employment are the opposite, where if you disagree with the "boss" you might get yourself in trouble, at Peachy if you agree with Rylan 5 times in a row your fired...jk but seriously they really love constructive criticism.