Wow i somehow missed your post again Trakyan so sorry xD. Yeah sure but probaly won't have time until winter holidays. since i'm busy with the Hypercube Evo right now (having small troubles), then the Tronxy X5S later this month/early next month, then the Wanhao D7 and another one more resin printer in December. So probably not only then, but yes I am definitely very interested.

Meanwhile the build is going somewhat well, here's some new pics. Some small issues regarding one of the Z axis mounts, as you can see it's making the leadscrew turn in a little too much for my liking, but we'll see if it causes any problems on Z axis. Turned the part a little too hard and cracked one small side, the other side is fine and since it's PETG, hopefully it also won't cause any problems.

Gonna post a small problem that I have with my newly arrived TEVO, it prints great, but having some wierd issues with layer shifts, I'm wondering if it's the SD card that came with the TEVO Tornado, but I don't have an octoprint to test out, think I can do it with repetier through my laptop that way? Already increased the voltage of the Y motor to 0.999 volts (it's an issue with the Tornado their Y axis motor is a bigger one but they gave it lower voltage than the other ones lol)

Pictures galore: