
I have a QU-BD Two-Up that been significantly changed and modified. I've managed to work out all it's various problems to where it now prints very well, except for one issue that I just can't seem to fix. The external perimeters seem to have some slight overextrusion (I'm hesitant to use that word because I'm not sure that the problem is necessarily related to this) that makes some layers have some overhang. Basically, it looks like some of them almost get squished out and so I don't get a smooth or consistent finish on vertical faces. Looking at a print from below it isn't at all noticeable, but at certain angles from above it is clear that the walls are not flat and crisp. The inconsistencies and overhangs also seem to form a slight diagonal pattern moving up the faces, although it's very faint and I'm not sure how important this is. I've attached some pictures to try and help you understand what I'm describing, although I think it may be a bit difficult to see in the pictures. Please just let me know if you'd like more or any other information.

I've tried playing around with my settings for extrusion width, extrusion multiplier, and filament diameter but none of these seem to make any noticeable difference. I don't believe it's a mechanical issue with extrusion because I have a new e3D V6-lite hot end that seems to work very well and I'm using Hatchbox PLA which, although cheap, doesn't seem to give other people problems with inconsistent overextrusion. The slight pattern to this problem makes me wonder if it may be related to my Z axis movement (its equally prevalent in X and Y so I don't think either of those are a cause) but I really don't know how, why, or what I would do to fix it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance for any help you can offer.