Yes, it is my first and only 3D printer. I obtained it about 2 weeks ago, and everything started off well, then started to degrade from there. I did try to tangle with utilizing a Raspberry Pi with Octopi at first, but the gcode to x3g plugin never worked right, especially for the left nozzle which would print everything ~30mm to the left. I then switched to Astrobox which worked great as it just uploads the raw x3g file from S3D to the machine. But I've eliminated the pi and am connected directly atm with the problems I have been having. There is an option in S3D 4.0 that is a reset to defaults all settings back to a fresh install state, even have to reauthorize the copy. I've done that to make sure I've eliminated all detrimental setting changes I may have inadvertently made.

I did measure the filament as I do have a pretty decent set of calipers. I checked the four spools and was quite surprised with the consistency of the measurements with the smallest measurement at 1.74mm and the largest at 1.78. median measurement was pretty consistent at 1.76.