I've used everything from polymakers polyplus to the cheapest pla I can find on ebay and amazon.
And while there are definite differences - it mainly effects how much it shrinks, how well it prints at different speeds and temperatures. Appearance - not something i bother with much anyway - is more down to layer height and the filaments initial appearance.
There are all sorts of filaments out there that give particular finishes. I've got some realy silky and satiny looking filament samples from tct last year.
(grabs one at random) polyalchemy's elixir has a really lustrous pearlescent like appearance.
Good size sample too - might make some acorn brooches to see what it's like. https://www.polyalchemy.com/
I've got dozens of samples and as it's much much easier to use small samples on Alexa - I might even try a few of these out before this year's tct in september where I'll load up on a lot more lol

So appearance while slightly related to filament quality is much more related to filament composition and appearance - which are different to the ease and speed of printing.