So, as I described my case in another thread, this is a kind of follow up.

In their defence of treating me wrong and just grabbing my money for their mistakes (and deleting my accounts, I can't even read on their forum anymore)
they now put up a story as if it was I who was doing all the wrong things and even accuse me of spamming.
This was told by another customer who still has access to their forum.

What a sorry bunch they have become.
By now they had every chance to fix their mistakes, but I never got one proposal,
just an extremely rigid attitude that CEL is "the perfect supplier" and that it's always the fault of the customer.

You think I'm a lone case ?
Surely not, but I get word that sensitive topics are very hard to get published on the forum, for some reason they disappear ...
And well, attacking someone without giving them the possibility to answer is a very weak way of treating people.

So I can only very openly advice from first hand experience:
Robox was great as long as the machine was working.
As soon as you need support, and you got the wrong advice, it's all blame on you, the customer, and you can pay for their mistakes.
Only in that case you are a "nice person"

Probably the majority in here don't care all that much, most have other hardware,
but since I'm banned for all the wrong reasons (of made up reasons, they may always show evidence)
I need to go public somewhere.