Quote Originally Posted by DarkAlchemist View Post
My nozzle was off by 18 times 0.1mm so +1.8mm from the glass but why? It did seem to stay at the same height for the layer across the bed (I am printing an X of 153 square mm) but why that large of a difference when that would put the switch above the nozzle (it is only 2.1mm away from it).

edit: I added the 1.8 to the offset so made it 3.85 (-3.85) instead of my minus 2.1 (figured the .05 difference would help lift it barely above the glass and not scrape it) and the ABL just doesn't work. My nozzle was trying to print just as high as it was at -2.1.
I don't know if this is the problem.... But there has been a rash of this lately.... If you go into ConfigurationStore.cpp and find the following lines....

SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Home offset (mm):");
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" M206 X",add_homeing[0] );
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Y" ,add_homeing[1] );
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Z" ,add_homeing[2] );

SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("Z_Probe_Offset (mm): ",zprobe_zoffset); // Added by Roxy to Complete Diagnostic print out

Add the stuff in Bold. Then give your printer an M503 command to see it's values. I'm thinking you have a bad value stored in the EEPROM and it is using that instead of your Configuration.h setting.That will confirm that is why you can't control the Z-Probe offset by making changes to your Configuration.h file. And if so... Then give your printer a M502 followed by a M500 command. That will store an updated value in the EEPROM.