Haha at the moment only just over half is useable as i am using 2 210 x 240mm Silicone heated pads, i cant seem to find an appropriate heater to use, without importing a Monster Heat Bed (18" X 18") from the US for £100+. I have a feeling the heated pads may be affecting the level significantly. Yeah i can see the advantage of using the EPROM, i just always forget to update it as i'm used to it loading from the config.

Previously i had gone through 3 sheets of 4mm Standard 'Annealed' glass, but this cracked after about 10-20 heat cycles, then the glass supplier recommended toughened, as it is heat treated in manufacture apparently, Borosilicate glass is ridiculously expensive.

Hopefully it wont take long to get the firmware tweaked this evening, i might even just try to copy my configuration & configuration_adv into the firmware that has been posted by Roxy.
