what software are you going to use for the scans ?

And yes you will learn an awful lot while building the printer :-)

It's not quite as straightforward as: take 100's of perfectly exposed photos all under identical lighting conditions, let program make 3d model. Realise what you have is a distorted pointcloud and you need to convert that into a mesh and then try and repair the mesh and then convert it into an stl file. Then you'll need to edit and adjust it so that it almost-but-not-quite resembles the thing you took the pictures of in the first place. Then repair that so that it prints.

That's been my experience anyway :-)

Oh, and under no circumstances be tempted to buy a ciclops 3d scanner for $99 - you can have mine for £40+p&p, they simply just don't work.
Somehow they've made a video that lets you think they do work - do not be fooled. They are completely and totally useless.
Mine is still for sale though ;-)